Thursday, January 13, 2011

Replacing Fear

I too, can relate to Much Afraid! God has been showing me how many fears I have. Fears that I didn't even realize I had. Fear of the future, Fear of making unwise decisions, Fear of getting out of my comfort zone (just to name a few). "Perfect LOVE casteth out FEAR because fear hath torment." I am learning that as I fall more in love with Jesus (perfecting my love), my fears are pushed out the door. In other words, when there is love, there is no room for fear! What are three things you have been able to relate to?
I am excited about what God has done in our hearts in just a few chapters! Let's allow Him to perfect our love, and there's no telling where we will be by the end of this book!!!
1 Corinthians 13:7
Love bears all things,
Love believes all things,
Love hopes all things,
Love endures all things,
Weymouth New Testament
She knows how to be silent. She is full of trust, full of hope, full of patient endurance.
Replacing fear with more love and trust.
Sarah Beth

1 comment:

  1. I love the Lord!! He is using you guys to make a statement to me! As i was getting ready for bed last night I was compelled to pick up my Bible... I opened it to where it was bookmarked, 1 Corinthians 13:) As i read the love chapter, the characteristic of love that stood out to me was "love does not insist on its own way." How often am i guilty of being discontented with circumstances that aren't going my own way? May God perfect HIS love in me (and us) so that i (we) might become more like him! I want Him to pour through me a love that is patient and kind and not envious and not boastful and not easily angered and on and on.
    I love you guys!!!
    <3 Alicia
