Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Pray?

I am a woman of lists, especially lately!
Why do I need to exercise?
Why do I need to eat healthy?
Why do I need to make lists? Okay, maybe that is a little over the top!
However, I believe that if we clearly outline why we do what we do, it keeps us focused and motivated to make the sacrifices required.
So, why pray?

Here is my list in no particular order. I would love to hear yours!

1. It's the Christian's highest calling.
2. It's my privilege as a child of the King.
3. It's the most worthwhile use of my time.
4. It's rewards are promised.
5. It impacts people and places I will never see.
6. It renews my strength.
7. It sharpens my focus.
8. It gives me a higher perspective.
9. It keeps my soul warm in a cold world.
10. It teaches me to listen.
11. It creates intimacy with my Father.

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