Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Making Prayer A Priority

The book is great! But I'm going to be honest with you guys, making a commitment and setting goals is not easy for me to do! Even with prayer. So the 'Checklist for Prayer' at the end of each chapter has been a little challenging for me. I think the hardest one for me to do so far is the one where you schedule prayer appointments. It sounds so good! And it's so needful! But when it comes right down to it, I like to do things I know I can do. I don't want to make a commitment unless I am positively sure I can keep it. And with our crazy schedule how am I supposed to make these appointments every single day?! This led me to examine my prayer life. I usually pray in the mornings. But if I run out of time before I'm supposed to be at work I try to pray when I get home, if something comes up when I get home then I usually try to squeeze time to pray in where I can. :) And I sometimes end up praying after I am in bed and the lights are out. (And you can probably guess I fall asleep during these prayer times.) After examining my prayer life I realized how important it really is to schedule my prayer time. I've made my schedule. Please pray for me! I want prayer to be at the top of my priority list and not get pushed around. If y'all have any suggestions for me, let me know! Can't wait to hear you guys' comments.

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